There are so many things to consider when buying a dog and one of these is whether it should be a male or female. Some people automatically have a preference while others don’t really know. Each gender has their good points as well as weak ones.
Male Dogs
Most experts on dogs feel that the male dogs may be a little bit more aggressive but they are also more stable in their temperament. The males tend to be a little bit more masculine of course and somewhat more boisterous.
Female Dogs
The females tend to be a little bit moodier than the males. They are known to have mood swings, and maybe some breeds are more known for this. In any event in general, the female dogs do tend to be a little more temperamental.
In either case, if you are not going to breed the dog then you will either want to have the male dog neutered and the female spayed. Both of which mean the same thing with the same outcome. That is the implementation of a minor surgical procedure that will ensure neither gender can produce babies.