How Much Do Dogs Cost?

If you have an interest in getting a dog, there are many things you need to consider, including if you can actually afford it. We aren’t just talking about the price of the dog, because you can pretty much get one for free, or a minimal cost, if you adopt from a kennel. The main…

Exercising Tips for Your Dog

Some new dog owners believe that their dog will provide their own exercise. In some cases this is true but only if they are given the opportunity to do so. This means being able to provide them with plenty of safe space to do so. A good big backyard is ideal for allowing them to…

Running a Dog Business

There are so many people that are such avid dog lovers that they want to spend as much time with these canine beauties as they can. Chances are they own more than one dog but are limited as to how many they can actually have. For some of these people going into a dog business…

Training Your Dog

One of the many responsibilities that comes with dog ownership is training this wonderful animal. Some breeds take to training easier than others, but the majority of canines can be trained to at least follow the basic commands. At the very least there are a few essential commands that a dog must learn to obey.…

Different Types of Working Dogs

When one first thinks about dog ownership they think of the many families that have made a dog part of the family. Aside from this, there are many dogs that are classed as working dogs, and they play a very important role in society. Police Dogs Canines that are used by the Police force have…

The Responsibilities That Come with Dog Breeding

A lot of people think that dog breeding is an exciting adventure. What they don’t realize is that it comes with a lot of extra responsibility. It is most important that dog owners do not become involved in dog breeding without fully informing themselves as to what responsible breeding is all about. The first decision…

Should You Buy a Male or Female Dog?

There are so many things to consider when buying a dog and one of these is whether it should be a male or female. Some people automatically have a preference while others don’t really know. Each gender has their good points as well as weak ones. Male Dogs Most experts on dogs feel that the…

Choosing a Pure Breed or Mixed Breed Dog

There are so many decisions that come with choosing a dog that will become part of the family. One of these decisions is whether you should go for a purebred or a mixed breed. The answer will depend on what you expect from the dog. There has been a lot of controversy over which is…

What are the Best Dog Breeds?

The answer to the question, what are the best dog breeds depends on a lot of factors. Dogs have many different characteristics and what they are going to be used for will determine what they will be best at. For example, there are some breeds that are more suited as family pets that will be…

Taking Care of a Puppy

Almost everyone will admit that puppies are absolutely adorable. When families are thinking of adding a new addition to the family like a dog, they will often go for the puppy. For those who are new to this, they may not realize just how much care and responsibility come with this little guy or girl.…